Welcome to week four of our study on the Epistle of James! Today we will look at James 1:16-20 and today’s video focuses on application of the text. We want to ask ourselves when we are reading Scripture, “How should this change me? How should this change my life?” After all, part of the reason we study the Bible is so that it can impact our lives and change the way we live in order to please God and secure the salvation of our souls.
Week One – An Expository Study of James
Week Two – Joy in Our Trials
Week Three – Giving Birth to Sin Part One
- Opening prayer
- Introduction
- Read James 1:16-20
- Watch Jen Wilkin’s “How to Study the Bible Day 4” on Esv.org
- Answer questions 6-10 on page 4 of Workbook on the Epistle of James
- Closing prayer
Opening Prayer
Almighty God, thank you for this time we will spend together tonight. Thank you for your Word and for the tools you gave us that enable us to understand it and apply it to our lives. Please be with us tonight and always, as we strive for our hearts and minds to be changed by what we learn in this study. Thank you for sending Jesus and for this wonderful letter from James. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Today we will take a look at the application portion of studying Scripture. This will be based on what we already discovered during the comprehension and interpretation stages, so it’s a good idea to read over our notes and those five questions we looked at on day one. All the links are above for our previous sessions.
Read James 1:16-19 and watch Jen’s video for session four. Today she will focus on application. Here are the steps to keep in mind when we are trying to discern how the passage should change and shape our lives:

Next, answer questions 6-10 on page 4 of the workbook.
Closing Prayer
Father, Your divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness. It is through Your engrafted divine nature that we are able to escape the corruption in this world caused by evil desires. As we add to our faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love, then we possess these godly qualities in increasing measure and they will keep us from being swayed by the deceitfulness of the enemy who masquerades as an “angel of light.” It is in the powerful name of Jesus that we discern good from evil and it is in His strength that we are able to cast off that which hinders our spiritual growth. Amen.[1]
Next Week
Next week we will watch the last of Jen’s videos, read James 1:21-25 and answer questions 1-4 on page 5 of the workbook. Have a wonderful week, ladies!
Featured image is from Teaching the Book of James