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The Bible frequently urges us to repent and turn from our sins. Repenting involves a change of mind or reversal of one’s decision. It is a call to change our path from sin to a life of godliness. To repent the right way, we need to have a change of mind and decide to get off the path of sin. To truly repent, we need to follow three tips: repent, change our mind, and turn from our sins. Remember, all three steps are necessary for true repentance.

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Tip number 1: Repentance is a response to God’s kindness and love, as outlined in Romans 2:4. The cycle of repentance often begins with guilt, leading to a desire to never repeat sin. However, this cycle repeats as we fall back into sin. To repent, focus should be on God’s kindness rather than ourselves. As sinners, we deserve justice, but God sent his son Jesus to pay our price and die our death. God is love, willing to provide protection, food, encouragement, wisdom, peace, and salvation from hell. Repentance should be a response to God’s kindness and love, rather than focusing on our own needs. By acknowledging God’s kindness and love, we can overcome the cycle of sin and repentance, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Tip number 2: Repentance is a vital aspect of living a righteous life, as exemplified in Acts chapter 26, where it is declared that those in Damascus, Jerusalem, and throughout Judea should repent and turn to God for repentance. John the Baptist commands believers to bear fruits worthy of repentance, such as identifying triggers, creating healthy boundaries, and confessing sin to someone who can help. Fruitful repentance is not just about feeling bad, but also about taking actions that draw us closer to God. By doing so, we can become more like the tree representing our repentance from sin.

Tip number 3: In Matthew Chapter 5 Verse 30, Jesus encourages extreme repentance, even if it causes discomfort or inconvenience. He encourages cutting off one’s right hand to sin, as it is more profitable for one to perish than for the entire body to be cast into hell. In Luke Chapter 9 Verse 23, Jesus encourages daily denying himself and taking up his cross, as a response to God’s kindness. Repentance is essential as sin corrupts and destroys us. When repenting from a sin, start by acknowledging God’s kindness and Jesus’ love. In summary, repentance is a crucial aspect of life, and following Jesus’ teachings and taking extreme actions can help us become more mindful of our actions and their consequences.

We need to constantly DENY our flesh of it’s sinful desires. I hope this helps you. 
P.s: I used this video as inspiration cause I agree with what they say. 


By Hlubi

I live in South Africa, I have grown up and lived here all my life. My brothers about to become a pastor as I type this.

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